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Alexander Bellow

Alexander Bellow

Belov, Aleksandr (Bellow, Alexander A)

22 March 1912 12 March 1976

Russia, Moscow - Sherman Connecticut, USA

Guitarist, musicologist on the guitar, MA and PhD in conducting and composition from Moscow Conservatory, studied guitar with Andres Segovia, conductor of symphony orchestras in Russia and Europe, teacher at the Conservatory of Music in Gottingen Germany, during WWII for some time imprisoned in a concentration camp, 1949 emigrated from Germany to the USA, taught classical guitar at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville New York and Drew University in Madison New Jersey, 1953 teacher guitar at 11 West 84th Street Manhattan, 1965 moved to Sherman but continued teaching in New York, 1976 residing at Leech Hollow Road Sherman, honorary member of the Guitar Society of New York ; sisters Nina Bellow Nawhouse of Rockledge, Florida and Irina Bellow Kolesnetchenko of Rostov, Russia ; he married Maria Krasnoff (Russia 7.nov.1917-5.oct.2006 Florida, Vero Beach)

Title Parts

[] Lullaby. Guitar
pub Armonia, Sakamoto, Miyagiken, Japan nov.1954

[] Elegie. Guitar
pub M. C. Music, Montreal, Canada 1954

[] Etude in tremolo. Guitar
pub G. Ricordi, New York NY 1958

[] 5 Diversions. Guitar
pub G. Ricordi, New York 1959

[] Prelude and rondo. Guitar
pub Ricordi, New York 1961

[] Cavatina in 3 movements. Guitar
pub Franco Colombo, Charles Hansen, New York 1963

[] Sonata I. Guitar
pub F. Colombo Publications, Rockville Centre NY 1969

[] Preludio e toccata. Guitar
pub E. C. Kerby, Toronto 1972

[] Arpeggiato. Guitar
pub E. C. Kerby, Toronto 1972

[] Sonatina I. Guitar
Patricia Fogel guitar, Bridgeport Connecticut 12dec1972

[] Sonata II. Guitar
pub E. C. Kerby, Toronto 1974

[] Sonatina II. Guitar
pub Shattinger International Music Co. 1975

[] Prelude, scherzetto and gigue. Guitar
pub Shattinger International Music Co. 1975

[] Suite miniature. Guitar
writing: Literature of the guitar (in 4 languages and distributed worldwide)
writing: The international anthology of music for solo guitar. 1965
writing: History of the guitar
writing: The illustrated history of the guitar. 1970
2008-02-13 00:00:00

Life Story