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With master luthier Antonio Marîn Montero Granada, Spain, September 2008Left to right: Pepe Marín, me, Antonio Marín Montero, Stephen Marchionda, Jose Marín Plazuelo

With master luthier Antonio Marîn Montero

Granada, Spain, September 2008

Left to right: Pepe Marín, me, Antonio Marín Montero, Stephen Marchionda, Jose Marín Plazuelo

Tito has been my nickname since my birth in Mexico City.

I've played classical and improvisational guitar since age thirteen. My repertoire spans from fifteenth century vihuela and lute transcriptions to twentieth century music written expressly for the guitar. My free-composed improvisations blend classical, flamenco, and jazz ideas.

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Latest Music


30-minute improvisation to help you deeply relax or perhaps accompany you towards sleep.

Bryn Athyn Cathedral

Adult Service, September 22, 2024


Three pieces written by Johann Sebastian Bach for lute and transcribed for guitar by my teacher Alexander Bellow.


“Romance Anónimo” by anonymous.

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Family Service, September 22, 2024


Five pieces from “Castles of Spain” written by Federico Moreno-Torroba for Andrés Segovia.

Featured Music

Brazilian improvisation

My first-ever video recording—an improvisation with elements of Brazilian music.

Will & BLue

Improvisation in honor of Will Bostock and the BLue community that he founded.

Tune for Nikko

Variation of a short A-A-B-A composition

Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
December 17, 2017

Robert Laidlaw, guitarist

© 2017-2018 Robert Laidlaw.  All worldwide rights reserved.

Kurzweil Sketches

Only recording of my synthesizer improvisations as performed on a Kurzweil MIDIBOARD keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch with various custom presets generated by a rack-mount Kurzweil 250 synthesizer.

Sometime in 1986?


All tracks improvised and recorded direct to two-track, reel-to-reel tape in a single take using the natural reverberation of the church.

University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 1982

Robert Laidlaw, guitarist & composer
Bruce Bartone, audio engineer

© 1982 Robert Laidlaw.  All worldwide rights reserved.